The mind and body are codependent on each other – your body hears everything your mind says. Bearing that in mind, we may conclude that concept of happy life is the result of healthy body and healthy mind. Therefore, health is a state of complete harmony of the body and mind.

Commonly people know how to push their body to its limits but they forget about mental side. Your body will not change if you do not learn to build a strong mind. Challenge your mind as much as you challenge your body. When you will master your mindset everything on the outside will change along with it. The BODY & MIND CHALLENGE was created to help you master your mindset and master your body. In the past I organized some fitness challenges like plank, abs or squads challenge. Last time we also combined mind (self-care) and plank challenge. This challenge is a little different because I would like to present you a monthly plan with psychological exercises and general training plan. I realize that in my social media community are people involved in variety sport disciplines and kind of physical activity. It will enables you to create your own monthly workout plan and combine it with mental training. In the case that you do not know how to plan your monthly exercises you can follow my workout plan – it is attached to Body & Mind Challenge pdf. What do I expect you? Please you are suppose to keep a journal (training journal) and write down all mental exercises, plans, thoughts and physical training achievements. It will help you monitor progress and be more involved in what you do. Hope you will also find a lot of fun and inspiration in our challenge. As far as you can’t participate in the challenge this month, you can download all materials and go through this later by yourself. On June, 2021 I will support you on my Instagram story @mentalgymbyvicky but if you need help or individual consultation please contact me HERE.
Below you can find Body & Mind Challenge monthly plan. Exercise materials will be adding to this post throughout the challenge on June. Buena suerte – Good luck!

DAY 1. Find your “WHY”

DAY 2. Find your “WHAT” – Goal-setting

DAY 3. Find your “HOW” – Plan it!

DAY 4. Find your “WHEN” – S.M.A.R.T. how to make your goals achievable
Do you ever feel like you’re working hard but not getting anywhere? A well-set goal has a huge motivational value for a us. Of course, everyone is motivated by various factors. Some people put internal motivation in the first place, i.e. they exceed their abilities to overcome their own barriers, enjoy a great body shape and better health. For others, external motivation will be more effective, i.e. medals and awards won, or the opinion and admiration of others. It is certain, however, that internal motivation, which is independent of external factors, will be more effective and having long-lasting effects.
In psychology, the concept of well-formulated goals has been adopted according to a set of five postulates describing the features that should characterize a smart goal: S.M.A.R.T. According to the English acronym, it should be:
- S – specific – concrete, that is clearly defined, not raising any doubts and understandable;
- M – measurable – measurable so that progress can be determined over time or in number;
- A – achievable – achievable, not exceeding the capabilities of the person to whom a given goal relates, so that the inability to achieve it does not extinguish motivation;
- R – realistic – a realistic goal is one that is important to the person concerned;
- T – time-bound – defined in time, i.e. it contains a specific time in which it should be performed;
However, some authors have expanded it to include extra focus areas; SMARTER, for example, includes Evaluated and Reviewed. SMART(ER) is an effective tool that provides the clarity, focus and motivation you need to achieve your goals.
DAY 5. Habit Tracker
If you want to stick with a habit for good, one simple and effective thing you can do is keep a habit tracker. A habit tracker is a simple way to measure whether you did a habit. Below you can find pfd free habit tracker to print it out and use for monitor your habits. Elite performers will often measure, quantify, and track their progress in various ways. Each little measurement provides feedback.

DAY 6. Yoga & Meditation – regeneration day
DAY 7. Keep it going! – Motivation
What motivates you? What makes you ready for work? Self-development, health, good body shape?
DAY 8. Performance Profile
More about Performance Profile you can read HERE. Find attached pdf for your own work below, print it and enjoy it!
DAY 9. Focus on Priorities!